Resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, is a fundamental trait crucial for navigating life’s challenges. In a world marked by uncertainty, change, and unexpected setbacks, resilience serves as a guiding light, empowering individuals to withstand hardships and emerge stronger. At its core, resilience is not merely about enduring difficulties but thriving despite them, fostering adaptability, perseverance, and growth. 

I have had to be resilient during many points of my life, just like most people. However, I can recall a specific time in my life as a teenager where I had to be resilient to survive. When I was 16 and a junior in high school, I learned that I was pregnant. I felt afraid and overwhelmed during this time, I had no idea how I would raise a child! I didn’t realize it back then but reflecting now that I’m 27 and my child is a healthy and happy 11-year-old, I can see how resiliency played a huge role in how I was able to cope.  

After finding out that I was pregnant, I lost stability in my life in a lot of ways. The first challenge that I encountered was finishing my high school education and getting my diploma. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, and I knew that I did not want to set myself up for more hardships by not graduating. Through doctor appointments, morning sickness, and living on my own as a teenager, my resilience was necessary to accomplish my goal of graduating before my baby arrived.  

I enrolled in an online school and doubled up my classes to earn enough credits to graduate a grade early. I studied every day and kept myself accountable, which was not always easy! Many times, during my pregnancy I wanted to give up on my education, the number of credits I needed to earn was overwhelming. The people in my life did not always support my goal, teachers discouraged me from trying to earn an online diploma because they thought I wouldn’t have the discipline. However, I imagined myself as a mother with no high school diploma struggling to provide for my child and this helped me stay resilient.  

Attempting to graduate high school a year early while pregnant was not the only setback I faced. The stigma of being pregnant at 16 was discouraging and upsetting. I received stares in the grocery store from adults who did not agree with my situation, and lost relationships with my peers and many family members. Losing my community and support was a challenge that I had not anticipated but is typical for many teen moms.  

Despite the challenges I faced during my pregnancy, I was able to accomplish my goal! I finished all my classes before my due date and received my diploma just days before my child was born. Unfortunately, the challenges did not end here, raising a child while being a child myself created many barriers. However, looking back on my own strength and resilience during my pregnancy, I was empowered to keep going despite my hardships.  

My reason for being resilient has always been my child. I knew the moment I found out what my future had in store, that I wanted to provide the best for them. Having no income and no savings at the start, I’ve had to be creative. Many times, my child has come to work or class with me. I am very fortunate for the people in my life who give me grace in these instances. I’ve overcome the barriers by working hard and prioritizing my education, while also taking care of myself and healing from my past. My resiliency has brought me to where I am now and has empowered me to keep going.  

Had I known as a pregnant 16-year-old scared out of her mind where I would be today, I wouldn’t have been so afraid. Today I use my story and experiences to help others feel like they aren’t alone. Through being resilient I have accomplished many of the goals I set for myself all those years ago when I thought I couldn’t make it. I have earned an associate degree in social work and have enrolled at The Ohio State University to continue my education and help others who face barriers in life. I’ve found a job that I love and have purchased a house where my child and I are safe and happy. I will continue to grow and be resilient in life to provide the best for my child. By reaching out for help, fostering relationships with others, and giving back when I can, I know that I can reach any goal that I set for myself.